Training Your Sales Team to Close a Deal

The main point in sales is closing it.  You can have all the sales training available for you but if you don’t close that deal then you just wasted your time and money.  You may have hundreds of prospects in line and you may have set an appointment with them and have spoken with them, but if you don’t close those potential clients then you are just promoting and not selling.

So how exactly can you make sure that your sales team can close a sale?  If you are a sales manager or a sales team leader, the following points may be able to help you train your sales team to close that sale:

1.  Practice

We all know the phrase “practice makes perfect” – that is still true today.  Consistency is the key to making a great salesman out of your team.  Someone with years and years of experience may be a better closer than someone who is just starting.  Why do you think that is?  Practice!  The more you do something, the more it becomes part of you that it becomes a habit – it becomes you.  This is how you cultivate a salesman.

Make sure that your team are aware of the closing signals the customers are making.  Not all of these signals are the same.  Some of these signals may seem like a customer is objecting but actually they are very interested in the product but wants more clarifications.  Your sales team needs to get used to hearing these closing signals.

You need to have constant role playing.  It will ease the tension and will teach them valuable lessons all at the same time.  Don’t be lazy!  Get busy!

2.  Caddying

Just in case you forgot, caddying means working with your sales team in the field.  You have to spend time with each of your sales team member.  You are a team leader. You are not a dictator.  A great leader worthy to be followed is someone who says “come” instead of “go”.

You have to make yourself dirty.  Go out in the field with your sales people and show them how it’s done.  My Manager’s Enhancement Program will teach you how to do this in details so you will be effective in leading your sales team to success.

You will realize that you will learn more doing this than your people.  You will get to know your people’s strength and weaknesses and be able to coach them as an individual and thus catapult them to success.

When your sales people are successful then you are also successful.

3.  Review

A blade has to be sharpened all the time to make it stay sharp.  The same way with your sales team, you need to sharpen them now and then.  You need to make sure that they are reminded of your vision and goals.  They need to be reminded of your values as a team and how important he is to your team.

Sending your team to attend a sales and marketing training can help a lot.  It may be a little bit expensive but it will all be worth it.

What you are doing is indoctrinating them in to the kind of salesman you want them to be.  Make sure you choose the right sales and marketing trainer and choose the right module or topic.  You will be responsible for everything that you allow others to feed their mind.

So there it is, your 3 tips to making sure that your sales team can close that sales.

For your sales and marketing training, please contact us and we will do some training need analysis to make sure that we provide you only with the training you and your sales team need.

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